Adventure Kids was created to develop God’s littlest disciples. We provide a loving and caring environment for all children, infant through 5th grade.
Children are the future standard-bearers of Christ, so our dedicated teachers, assistants, and childcare providers offer a variety of classes and activities for every age group that are rooted in a commitment to teach God’s Word.
What can we expect when we first visit?
Plan to arrive about 15 minutes ahead of the service start time and head for the Connections Center welcome desk, located in the Commons on the South end of our building. One of our amazing volunteers will welcome you, gather some family details, and print out check-in stickers for each of your children to wear to class. They can answer any questions and walk you back to your child’s classroom.
You can also pre-register your kids here
How do you handle drop-off and pick-up?
Returning families are invited to check in their children using the kiosks in the Adventure Kids lobby beginning 15 minutes before our service start times. (Please see What Can We Expect to find New Family Check In). A check-in sticker will print for each child, which indicates which class they’ll be in that day. Simply walk your child to their class, pass along any special instructions such as allergy alerts and hang onto the parent pick up sticker.
After the service ends, head directly to your child’s class and allow the volunteers to confirm that your parent pickup sticker matches your child’s check-in sticker before you head out to play on the playground, fellowship with other families, or head home.
How will I know if my child needs me during the service?
Volunteers will text parents if there is a need, so you are encouraged to keep your phone on vibrate when you have children in Adventure Kids
When does my child move age groups?
We celebrate the milestone of Promotion Weekend during the first full weekend of August every year. Students from birth through High School all move up to the next age group during that same weekend. Your child’s check-in stickers will automatically assign your child to their new classroom beginning that weekend.
How can parents support Adventure Kids?
We’re so glad you asked! We are always looking for dedicated lead and asistant teachers who would be willing to serve approximately one weekend per month. This is, by far, the most impactful way to support Adventure Kids. Weekday support and special event volunteers are also a huge blessing. Contact Miranda Cooper to learn more.
What curriculum do you use?
Our curriculum is based on content from The Gospel Project for Kids. You can explore more about it here.
Learn more about our Adventures!

Our Nursery volunteers provide loving care for our tiniest adventurers. Nursery classrooms are available for children ages from birth to age 2.
While not required, many families choose to bring extra diapers, clothing, bottles or sippy cups, etc, for their infants. If you choose to bring these items, please label them with your child’s full name. Please refrain from bringing food or treats into the nursery.
In addition to the nursery, we also have a safe and quiet Nursing Mothers Room, located across from our nursery classrooms. Mothers and children may utilize this space and enjoy a video broadcast at any time throughout our Worship Services.

Preschool children ages 2 through Kindergarten learn through a combination of The Gospel Project curriculum, active play, interactive learning when they visit The Clubhouse.
The Clubhouse is a special time of worship just for our Preschool adventurers. Combining Bible stories, key scripture verses, and prayer time.

Elementary Students gather in Big Room each week to explore a Bible story, learn a key verse, worship and pray. Each unit includes a Key Passage, Big Picture Question and Answer and a Missions Moment.

We love discipleship opportunities and in 2023, Adventure Kids created the Memory Challenge to encourage kids to memorize the books of the Bible and Key Passages. When kids memorize their verse, they recite it in class to earn a ticket. The Trading Post is open after each service for families to celebrate the achievement and exchange the ticket for a prize.