Regional Outreach

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Rich and Jenny Culp are CCC sent missionaries. They have been called to lead the Centurion Project. Rich also serves as part of the EveryEthne Team. EveryEthne exists to mobilize churches to cross cultures without crossing borders through church mulitplication in the nations (Revelation 7:9).

The Centurion Project

Fort Bragg is the largest mission sending agency in the world. 55,000 soldiers deploy from Bragg into countries, even restricted countries, all over the globe. The Centurion Project exists “to network and empower churches to disciple military leaders in their mission and the Great Commission.† This mission is catalyzed primarily by strategic training experiences called Centurion Summits. During the training, pastors learn from each other and other leaders in topics related to both discipleship and soul care.

Jubilee Regional Outreach


The Jubilee Institute is a three-pronged ministry launched from Christ Community Church that reflects, at least in part, how important it is to bring the heart of missions back home. 

Each prong or pillar of the ministry represents a significant and important value.  The first pillar relates to ongoing partnerships with local Hispanic churches. The second pillar includes providing theological and leadership training to local church leadership using much of the curriculum of IBAC (“Institutos Bíblicos de América Centralâ€). The final pillar includes providing discounted counseling services in conjunction with Immigrant Hope of the Sandhills.

The mission of the Jubilee can be summarized as (i) partner for relationship and trust, (ii) teach to equip and grow, and (iii) counsel to give hope for tomorrow.Â